Healthcare IT Today: Steadfast commitment to HIE opens the door for health equity

Collaboration in healthcare delivers remarkable outcomes. Such was the case at the first ever collaborative conference for health information exchange (HIE), interoperability, public health, and health equity. The Civitas Networks for Health 2022 Annual Conference, a Collaboration with the DirectTrust Summit, brought together HIEs, state agencies and interoperability experts nationwide.

During a panel discussion highlighting the ROI of culturally tailored outreach, SameSky Health’s founder and CEO Abner Mason, Manifest MedEx CEO Erica Galvez and Lakshimi Dhanvanthari, MD, discussed how a health plan engaged SameSky Health to improve COVID vaccination uptake. The organization initiated focus groups to better understand barriers such as questions people encountered when they went to receive their vaccines that deterred them from moving forward. 

Based on insights from focus groups, SameSky incorporated the use of text messaging and personalization to increase vaccination rates in targeted communities by 18.4 percent on average.

Read the full article from Healthcare IT Today here.

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This post was written by the SameSky Health marketing and communications team.


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